
The following list contains information about our past projects.
If you are interested in the technical details have a look at the Software page.

Digital version of the Hungarian Dictionary by Kresznerics Ferenc

This was the one of the commonly used Hungarian word collections before the Comprehensive Dictionary of Hungarian was published in 2006. Kresznerics collected a large corpus in the early 1800s and created this dictionary consisting of cca. 17,000 headwords and 50,000 word forms. His work was awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Critical Editions of Hungarian National Classics

A large (more than 200 000 pages) document collection that contains roughly 400 books from more than 70 authors. The books were scanned and transformed into layered PDF files that were automatically loaded into our Web publishing framework. The system provides a Web-based embedded PDF reader with full text search and result highlighting capabilities.

Mikes Kelemen: Letters from Turkey

The XML TEI encoded version of letters written from his exile. The system also incorporated the critical annotations written by Lajos Hopp and displayed the notes with different color encodings based on their topic.

The Mikes Dictionary

The second online version of the author's dictionary of Kelemen Mikes. It is authored using XML, then automatically loaded into a database and displayed using a Web-based interface. It contains tens of thousands of headwords with various word forms and all of their occurencies linked to their textual locations.

The Database of Family History

A searchable, expandable, unified online database with more than 175,000 records on family construction and transformation that is accessible to historians, family researchers, and members of the general public who are interested in the complex history of the family as an institution. The system loads and integrates several separate (aristocrats, nobilities, urban and household) datasets available in Excel and Genbox format.

The Shtylo Stylometry Service

Shtylo is a Web frontend, a heuristic parameter setter and an analysis optimizer for Stylo to ease its usage. It allows setting parameters using a Web form, and after performing the analysis it displays the results to the user. It relies on Shiny, a reactive Web frontend to R applications. It is very easy to install, you can deploy your own Web-based Stylometry Service in a couple of minutes.

Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations in the Twentieth Century

The project involves the creation of a textual database of letters preserved in several Hungarian public and private collections. The database currently contains approximately 2400 letters from 30 persons. The system also contains 1800 names of referenced persons and institutions.